Noni Juice Benefits

Noni juice benefits noni have the Latin name as Morinda citrifolia and belongs to the family Rubiaceae. Another name is Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, cheese fruit, or large Morinda. Other than as a source of carbohydrates and fiber, the noni fruit is also high in vitamins A and C, iron, and niacin. The pulp of the fruit is used to prepare noni juice is free from sources of fat and protein.

Noni juice benefits
Noni juice benefits


Here are some of the benefits of noni juice:

Immune System
Noni juice has the perfect balance of vitmain, minerals, amino acids, peptides, and enzymes, which is considered as a good tonic to boost the immune system.

Noni fruit juice also showed a similar action against inflammation such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.

Research indicates that noni juice may help to protect and regenerate the body's natural antioxidants such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 which in turn helps eliminate free radicals.

Noni fruit is known as painkillers and headache. People used noni leaf to wrap the affected joint painful gout. Noni has analgesic properties, as 75% effective as morphine sulphate in relieving pain.

Fight Germs
The compounds in the noni fruit such as anthraquinone, scopoletin and terpenes make it effective against germs because it possesses antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic.

Anti tumor/Anti Cancer
The researchers believe that noni juice help prevent the devastating effects of cancer, also non-toxic to healthy cells in the body. Noni contains anthraquinone that can detoxify and eliminate carcinogens before they cause damage to DNA.

Stabilize Blood Preasure
Noni efektid in stabilizing blood pressure in hypertensive patients.


1. Can Moisturize The Skin
For those who have the problems with dry skin, noni juice can be used as a solution to overcome this problem. Noni juice is contains the nutrients which is very important for the skin such as vitamin A, C, and vitamin E.

2. Can Eliminate The Acne
Noni juice can also be beneficial to overcome acne problem, it is an extremely potent in eliminating acne because noni juice contain substances that are very effective in the fight against the bacteria that causes acne. do acne skin care with drinking noni juice can remove acne in a short time and is also able to eliminate the scars acne.

3. Can Smooth The Skin
Have the smooth and glowing skin is the dream of every persons, especially in women who have always pay attention to his appearance. To make the skin more smooth and radiant, you can perform maintenance the noni juice.

Noni Juice benefits


1. To Restore PMS (Premenstual Syndrome)
Women are more sensitive and vulnerable angry when approaching menstruation due to hormonal changes can minimized by the noni fruit compound that has active compounds that help calm the emotions that you do not experience mood changes that are too high. Based on research showing that noni can help restore some diseases including overcome menstrual syndrom.

2. To Help Maintain The Bone Health
Noni juice have the efficacy for the patients with osteoporosis because the acid content kapril, methyl acetyl, Morindin, morindone, morindadiol and capable sorandiyiol increase bone strength. For women with age 40-50 has a high possibility in bone loss. Consuming noni juice regularly will help you in maintaining bone health. For those of you who have not used to be able to consume the noni juice, you can consume them in the pill form.

3. To Treat Cancer In The Women
Existing cancer in the women is very scary.
Such as breast cancer and cervical cancer, because they were you should consume the foods of containing anti
cancer. Noni fruit is the fruit of a very useful for anti-cancer, you can also consume noni juice to prevent the cancer.

4. For The Healthy Hair and Skin
Noni fruit is useful in maintaining the condition of the hair and skin. For those of you who want to keep the skin taut and durable, you can use noni juice. Drink noni juice on a regular basis because it will tighten your skin and make your hair looks beautiful.


There are many nutrients that are found in the noni fruit, including flavonoids. womb the flavonoids may help diabetics maintain stable blood sugar by preventing glucose production in the liver.

In addition, the element content of antioxidants proven Noni fruit able to protect cells from damage that function stay awake. In fact, research has also proved the positive impact of antioxidant ingredient in noni fruit it prevents the revolution of cancer cells.

You may also read Gotu Kola Benefits

Thank you for reading our article above. I just hope the above article about the noni juice benefits is useful for you.

1 Response to "Noni Juice Benefits"

  1. Noni is a superfruit. The reason why it is called as a "Super Fruit" is because the amount of benefits it provides is more than any other fruit in the world. Those benefits are nicely listed out in this article. Thanks for writing the useful information.

    Best Regards,
    Mantis Hugo
    Noni Juice - What Exactly Is It?

